Monday, November 13, 2023



English Learning Tips for Beginners

1. Listen to English every day

Listen to English music or podcasts.

Watch English TV series/shows.

Watch English movies.

2. Make simple conversation

Makeup conversations with friends.

Practice speaking dialogues and lines.

Join Spoken English Course for interactive sessions.

3. Read English stories and magazines

Start reading the children's books.

Read magazines, advertisements, signs, and pamphlets.

4. Write down new words in a notebook

Start maintaining a notebook for newly found words.

Write words in alphabetical order.

Make example sentences with the words.

5. Keep an English journal

Start with one sentence.

Write about daily activity.

Do not miss a day!

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 Youtube  আমাদের দেশে Spoken English একটা কঠিন বিষয় হিসাবে দাঁড়িয়েছে অনেকের কাছে! অথচ ভাষা শেখা কখনোই কঠিন নয়। তাহলে ভুল কোথায় হয়েছে? শেখান...